Monday, September 4, 2017

Core Desire Feelings....

And it begins! One of the most important things I have learned about my art and my life was how to set goals. Some I have reached, others....not so much!  Early 2013, along with several other amazing creatives, we read and discussed "The Desire Map" by Danielle LaPorte and it flipped my idea of creative goals, day to day life, happiness, and success upside down!

I would love to begin Second Sundays with "The Desire Map" an extremely beneficial tool for experiencing and enjoying unbridled creativity and life! It is so different than any art/life strategy I had ever heard of and has become a magnificent and significant part of my life every single day.   I hope it will do the same for you!  Let's talk about it!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

My Core Desire Feelings.....

These are my core desire feelings that I identified several years ago, and I have to say they have served me very very well.  Every decision I make, every day is based on satisfying one or all of the 4 words that describe how I want to feel.  But I am going to re-read and re-examine where I am now.  Maybe they have stayed the same or maybe they have changed.  I am looking forward to looking at them again!